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Tag: dependencies

MSIX Hero 1.4.3 – Dependency graph

MSIX Hero 1.4.3 has been just released. Continue reading to find out what has been implemented since version 1.4.0.

Show nested package dependencies

The dependencies can be now presented in a graphical way:

The dependency graph takes into account package dependencies, target device families (Windows 10 and MSIX Core) and main packages (add-ons, modification packages), and it scans them recursively. The graph is interactive, you can zoom-in and zoom-out and move the shapes around for a better visibility. Once done, the results can be exported to a graphic file or printed.

This preview feature can be accessed for both installed and non-installed packages.

To show dependencies for an installed package, select it and from the Management ribbon press Analyze dependencies:

The same function can be invoked from the context menu:

Finally, you can open the new view from the Dependencies tab (by clicking on Open dependencies graph…) or simply start the viewer for any package (tab Tools, button Dependencies analyzer).

Ability to define expiration date for self-signed certificates

In the New self signed certificate dialog, a new input field has been added. You can now define the expiration date, with the default being one year from today:

Other changes

  • Windows 10 October 2020 Update is now correctly recognized by the Dependencies tab.
  • In the Installation tab, the path to the manifest file was empty for packages installed in the Developer mode. The issue has been fixed in this build.
  • Some minor wording adjustments in context menu and file pickers.


The app will be updated automatically in a few hours if you installed it from app installer file. New users can download MSIX Hero from the Download page.