New version of MSIX Hero is available. Below is the list of recent changes:
View directories, files, registry keys and values in your packages
Package properties have been redesigned to make space for two new tab: Files and Registry. They provide the overview of resources deployed by each package. For files, there is a button to show its content in a default editor.
This feature has been implemented for both installed packages and for compressed packages (MSIX) opened directly.
Winget Editor now supports v1 schema
Winget has moved on and has now more mature and feature-packed schema in version 1.0. MSIX Hero can now open and create files using the new schema (note: since the old schema has become obsolete, there is a little breaking change that the old formats cannot be opened or saved anymore).
New schema defines several new fields, which are now also supported directly from the GUI.
BTW: MSIX Hero support for Winget is not limited to MSIX – other setup types are also supported!
MSIX app attach – multiple files conversion + support for VHDX and CIM
MSIX app attach conversion dialog now supports multiple input files (similarly to how Package Signing handles them) and supports further output formats: VHDX and CIM (next to the already supported VHD). Note: Support for CIM is currently experimental.