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Data shaping (or how to sort, search and filter)

The list of packages in MSIX Hero offers a basic set of filtering and sorting capabilities. This overview shows how to access them and gives a few tips and tricks.


In order to filter the list just type the keyword your are looking for and let the list be filtered. The scope of search are visible fields, that is the name, publisher and version. The entries not matching the query will be hidden, and for the rest the keyword will be highlighted.

Note that the search string is treated literally (for example MSIX Hero will match MSIX Hero but not Hero MSIX). Searching is case-insensitive.


The list can be filtered, using a combination of one or more of available filters:

  • Filtering by whether the app is running or not.
  • Filtering by whether the app is a “main app” or an add-on/modification package.
  • Filtering by the package type (installed from Store, system package or a sideloaded app)
  • Filtering by the architecture (x64, x86 etc.)

All filters are available in the Ribbon > VIEW > Filter section:

Pressing the button shows a context menu with available options. For non-exclusive options (represented by checkboxes), the package must match any of selected criteria. The exclusion to that rule is when there is no option selected, in which case it is treated as if all were.

For filtering by status (running/installed) and by package type (main, add-on or both), the options are exclusive, and represented by radio buttons. You can quickly switch between available options, by pressing the top part of the button. Pressing the bottom part reveals the drop-down.


The list is by default sorted by package name. It is also possible to sort by different columns, also by descending names. This can be initially tricky, so here is a little trick:

Between the package list and the current package display, there is a small hidden area which reacts to cursor and which – when dragged – changes the proportion of screen espace between the list and the sidebar. Simply make the list a bit bigger until it changes to a more advanced view:

The list before resizing
The list afer resizing.

In the advanced view, classic column headers are displayed, and sorting is possible by simply clicking on them.

Note that once the sorting is changed in the wider list view and then the user goes back to the narrower view, the sorting preference is still respected.


By default, packages are shown grouped by their publisher names.

The VIEW ribbon tab, section Group by, has a switch between three different grouping types:

  • None: The list is not grouped
  • Publisher: The list is grouped by the publisher name (the default setting). This produces the result visible on the previous screenshot.
  • Type: This groups packages by their installation type (Sideloaded signed, sideloaded unsigned, Store app and System app).

Current user or all users?

Finally, there is also another radio button which controls the initial data source. MSIX Hero can show packages which are installed for the current user, or for all users on the device. This is technically not a filter, as each time the context is changed, the list must be loaded, and extra permissions may be required for this operation to complete.

If MSIX Hero is started as a non-admin user (the default and reasonable choice), then the initial view always loads packages installed per-user. When switching to All users mode for the first time, an UAC window will be shown asking about admin permissions to the current MSIX Hero session (self-elevation).

If MSIX Hero is started initially as administrator, then the initial view shows packages installer for all users on this device.


With a combination of filtering, sorting, searching and grouping it is easy to locate the packages. Most of them are straightforward and typical to Windows-apps, some however (including sorting) may be more difficult to found.

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